A tale from our core book pack

Where the Wild Things Are

  • Read the story with your child.
  • Talk together about what happened to Max’s room.
  • Talk about what the monsters look like.
  • Together, count how many there are.
  • What do they all do together?
  • Can you do a monster dance?
  • Can you find out what the word ‘rumpus’ means?
  • How does the story end?

Beyond Where the Wild Things Are

  • Using the monster finger puppets, can you make them roar at each other and gnash their terrible teeth?
  • Can you roll your eyes and pretend to be a monster?
  • Can you make the monster puppets dance on your fingers and have a ‘rumpus’?

Useful Websites for Where the Wild Things Are story


Youtube – Where the Wild Things Are story

Youtube – Where the Wild Things story

Oliver Thomas – Where the Wild Things Are story

Youtube – Chicken Soup with Rice